(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I can be on tonight if hail or wazz doesn’t show up by then

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dont nominate yet either @Marshal
i’d like @DirectorHail or @Wazza
we wait for a bit to see if either of them comes online.

ty <3

i’ll be off for a decent amount of time (like 2-3 hours) at family game night/dinner but after that i can be on

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what u playing? i love games

How do I know if I was afflicted by the witch’s curse?

Were putting together a puzzle

Alright I’m off for real now

@N.1 Answer plz

you wouldn’t.
It’s also possible that Shurian was the witch and is dead (unless marshal is evil, in fact, I think we know that either you or Shurian must be the Witch).
But if the witch is still alive and she targeted you last night, if you nominate anyone today, you die instantly, but your nomination stands.

Ngl I would take that for the team if it weren’t for MyLo

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Actually, i very heavily socially townread Marshal. If he’s evil, he’s fooled me and all of us, and I surrender to him.

I’d ask that you nominate someone’s corpse as soon as possible. Like I said, if you die to witch (who I would bet was shurian and is dead), that would modconfirm Marshal to be evil, which I really doubt.

In situations like these where the Good team is so helplessly far behind, sometimes, we have to take a leap of faith. So yes, please nominate someone’s corpse now.

If you nominate a corpse, we either get another day, or we modconfirm Marshal as evil. Either way it’s a win-win and we can still have a chance if other living players can get online in time to nominate the rest of the residents, if needed.

i ask that you nominate a corpse as soon as possible, because if this actually does end up being the last day, we need to leave as much time for the other living players to come online and nominate others as possible. Currently, there are only 4 1/2 hours left until the end of nominations.


Uni, it has to be you that nominates the corpse.
Where are you . . . . .

I am here sorry I was getting a call. Curfew in my city from 10 pm to 5 am. All businesses are to close effectively immediately at 10 pm except pharmacies and gas stations/restaurants and even then it has to be delivery. They are gonna bring in the national guard very soon apparently. All public areas are closed and food is gonna be brought daily for students and the elderly. I am GONE

N.1 is this really the only option left?

by my analysis, this is the best option we have left right now yes.
The good team has been getting hammered for almost all of this game.

Nominate a corpse now. It doesn’t really matter which corpse, but it must be a dead person.

Do I nominate now or wait until the four hours are nearly up?

Wait you can nominate a dead person?