(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

N.1 you ok? xP

nah he’s fine

i’ll nom 2day

me being witched isn’t the worst(?) thing in the world as my death solves stuff

and actually i think it would prove exactly who the scumteam is if i’m not mistaken.

Is my ghost vote going to be useful today?

likely nah, unless i get witched today

Is this result the exact one, or the translated one based on vortox game

Nominations are now open and will close in 12 hours

This is totally the time when nominations were supposed to open

For sure



@N.1 just to confirm you want me to nom


im not witched and game goes on as normal

i am… and im pretty sure i know the exact scumteam

/nominate italy

i wanna beat this up again

Marshal has nominated Italy

Marshal can provide an accusation and then Italy can provide a defense

man, you guys sure enjoy nominating the most difficult people to bring back

my accusation:


my defense:


ok well im not witched


prepare to be N’ed

n.1 i’m gonna be angry if you reenacted the great purge and it turns out it was all for nothing

Translated one.

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Does anyone else intend to nominate today? @Wazza @DirectorHail @Universal

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Tangeld I think I can speak for everyone when I say this

/nominate N-

Nah we nominating no one