(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

well yes because wazza’s info claims Shurian cannot be minion

I want a list of everyone wazza claims can’t be a minion based on his TC info

im having trouble figuring out who can possibly be the witch in a world where he is good

Yello Neighbors hows it going in here

Hello gamers imma have to be off real soon but wazzas recent posts trying to set up a world with pit hag or no dashii or vigo is incriminating in my eyes

either wazza is vortox or he’s woefully inept when it comes to understanding how this game works; that I agree

@Geyde please make a list of everyone that Wazza’s claimed info confirms as not being a minion, thank you.

aight im here and i’ll begin taking a deeper look at all of the ISOs

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Ooh, this is the fun part… Nominations are now open. All living players have twelve hours in which to nominate others for execution.

And as to the clockhand voting thing, we’ve technically been doing that all along; I’ve just been giving you the chance to pre-cast your votes before they lock in (because asking people to wait on the person before them to vote is miserable when half the game is slanking). I learned my lesson from that in the first game. The voting is going down today the same way it has been, because I can’t get it to work any other way. Congratulations, you stonewalled me into relenting.

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/Nominate Magnus

Wait no I meant /nominate N1

Datbird has nominated N1! Twenty votes are required to execute, dead players may vote without using ghost tokens

We’ve been over this, you cannot nominate. I should have let you be the Deviant, you have about the right sense of humor for it.

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one thing i noticed is that when shurian nominated app. then almost everyone was like "nah don’t do that thats a bad idea apprentice is confirmed good.

everyone but wazza. the post by shurian is obviously a last-ditch effort to not have to openwolf by not giving token and everyone said that apprenitce was confirmed good.

except wazza.

I think he realizes that confirming shuri as evil confirms me as good, and hence him as evil. Which is why shurian was desperate to exile apprentice and why wazz supported it

hail isn’t the demon here

anyone who can’t see that is seriously short-sighted

@Wazza why did you support the exile of a confirmed good beggar?

coupled with hail’s snake charmer stuff

he’s just not advanced enough to fake that

hail isn’t fuckin demon here ever

No u

when did I do this, what?


to be fair you did say “not now” but i still think it holds value

That was me thinking that Apprentice could be Demon via a role switch.

That idea was instantly thrown out of the window.

By the way, I got all my questions answered:
Vortox doesn’t interfere with Snakecharmer.
It is indeed 7/2/2/1 (Sorry @N.1)
If Demon swapped with Minion:
Demon (A) switched with Minion (B) which means Town Crier © can’t find (B) as Minion anymore but can now find (A) as Minion as A turns into Minion while B turns into Demon.