(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Meaning it is indeed entirely possible for a demon to have switched with a minion.

yes we know that that’s been a known possibility for a while now

Yes but it was brought up earlier.

Besides, how can’t Hail be Demon?

well because i know you are demon because you claim to have mech that im minion but i know im not.

and you and hail can’t be both evil because uni confirms you as the same alignment

I have mech info that you aren’t minion.

how so

My results above weren’t flipped.

If I flip them, it says there were no minions that nominated (Since Vortox requires me to flip)

paste those results again for me will ya

this is what i said.
im having trouble figuring out who could possibly be the witch if wazza’s results can be trusted

Here you go.

My results confirm these as not Minion:

Tangeld (Storyteller) - D1, D2
Vulgard (Barber) - D3
Universal (Seamstress) - D3, D4, D5
DirectorHail (Snake Charmer) - D3
Apprentice (Beggar) - D3
Shurian (Oracle) - D4
Marshal (Clockmaker) - D6

make a list of everyone else (that could be one)

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so where is minion then


please @Wazza

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will do buckaroo:

Wazza (Town Crier) - Unconfirmed
Magnus (Flowergirl) - Unconfirmed
EVO (Mutant[/COLOR]) - Confirmed
Insanity (Savant) - Unconfirmed
Italy (Cerenovus) - Confirmed
Datbird (Bishop) - Confirmed
N.1 (Sage) - Confirmed
Geyde (Dreamer) - Unconfirmed

If you remove confirmed players, the list goes to:

Wazza (Town Crier)
Magnus (Flowergirl)
Insanity (Savant)
Geyde (Dreamer)

Meaning 1 minion is in those 4.

(And yes, I removed Italy because their role on the list is a minion role)

Italy is basically confirmed. I was mad days 1 through 3 and no one was ever mad again after Italy was executed Day 3.

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I’m going to actually try and work out who I think was minion out of those.