(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

makes people be w r o n g

not sure what causes it in this setup exactly

but i know channel-mastered(person who starts malfunctioning) is in game

i think

ST will announce the presence of fabled
channelmaster isn’t in the game

I’m confused on how my info was a lie, seems a bit bastard

you just got lucky cuz u yolod lul

but i haven’t spilled a claim of one person to another cuz im tryna avoid a shurian-last-game situation

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One town will start with lol info

You were malfunctioning most likely. Sucks to be you.

lul a lot of this game is the host fucking around

like i get the point of the malfunctions but that kinda ruins classes, idk how i feel about that in general setup wise, but i guess thats besides the point

Back then eevee was under constant suspicion you know, but because the setup worked in that favour it was overlooked

I dont see how you and your info would want to do the whisper strat tbh.

Wait so you’re telling me I chose someone whose role was outed publicly?

I want to afk

I’m still suspicious on the fact that you asked the question “Is dat a traveler” but yeah whatever okay thanks nuclear very cool

generally, it makes the affected role function/give information in a way that is generally good for the opposite team, whichever way that is.

usually this means false information, but not always

The fun of the game is figuring which info is correct and which is wrong

After all, even I with all the info got the setup wrong


not even mine?

i did not tell anyone you were the bishop

so no


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I’m not whatever role you think I am

Artist. Asks one yes/no question to the ST per game. Sounds a lot like what you say you are.

nah I’m just a dreamer

wait so u chose dat?

what was ur info

can dreamer even act n1