(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


It’s entirely possible that a Pit Hag turned a town into a Demon.
Or even turned themself into a Demon before their Demon died (E.G: Their Demon was suspected or something)

dont think it would change alignments if pit hag turned town into demon, and we would hear if they did

Their alignment doesn’t change.

But Pit Hag’s would stay the same.
That’s why I can see them doing it to themself.

Pit Hag cannot change a player’s alignment, only their character
If a good player got turned into a demon, they would tell us immediately because then their death would immediately become a part of their own wincon (Good must kill all demons)

if pit hag did this to themself, the starting demon would automatically die instantly

They wouldn’t.

It’s entirely possible to have double demons as confirmed in my DMs.

maybe im wrong? either way answer pls

In my DMs I asked a question, completely unrelated (What would happen if Demon killed themself)

you can have one good and one evil demon both alive
don’t think two evil alive is possible

Excuse you, no, Pit-Hag making themselves into Demon does not necessarily cause the other Demon to die instantly. It makes the kills arbitrary. I could technically resolve that action by immediately killing the new Demon, or by leaving both evil Demons alive (but that last one is generally a bad idea because having two evil Demons acting makes the game very evil-sided).


fair, sorry

It’s possible to have two evil Demons alive, but generally not without at least some point in the process where Storyteller can intervene and stop that from happening for the sake of game balance.

In any case, we have never had two kills in the same night @Wazza

Of course, preventing double night kills would be the best cause of action tbh.

Yeah, but that’s prevented.

For example, the Barber ability in the OP states that the ability may not be used on dead Demons, because without that it would be possible for the Demon to Barber swap a dead Demon back into play and create a situation in which there are two living evil Demons without Storyteller being able to intervene.

It’s like if there were 2 Vampire’s in ToS:
A selects C
B selects D
The person bitten is randomly chosen in C and D

If Pit Hag turns themselves into a demon, not unless ST kills the starting demon or we execute one of the two demons immediately the next day