(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i would have put this past you at some points in the past, but not now
your effectiveness as scum has decreased from its prior peak, marshal

Trust me
I’ve worked with him before
He’s able to adapt

we all know that scumgod marshal isn’t at peak but anybody with 1 or 2 eyes could have figured out that pushing to be outted scum as the demon = very bad

Worse than I may have felt possible from you at some points in the past, but not now.

Occam’s razor

i’ve lost using this multiple times

Why is marshal more likely to be scum than Wazza

N, forgive me for saying this, but i feel like you are conf biased and grasping at straws.

you expect me to be able to figure out that you would madness suicide and then make a gambit for towncred by fake-pushing for a lynch in an attempt to grab towncred, and completely fake all of my posts there under the assumption you would suicide

but also not realize that pushing for me to be outted scum is bad

List those times

he’s not
this is just my social gut read which i still feel strongly on

Think what demon wants to do
They want to avoid being offensive since getting into any tunnel fucks them over

but if Hail was informed he would learn that intentionally thunderdoming himself takes him away from the Demon PoE since demon almost never does that

but hail would have done that before he talked to any potential scum buddies

and im not sure hail makes himself counterclaimable only to support a snake charmer claim

he’s just not good enough for that tbh. no offense hail but it’s true

Another more experienced scum (like Italy) could have commanded him to do that

but he didn’t

becauise he claimed to magnus before he talked to anyone else i think

They claimed immediately to Magnus
They never whispered Italy

which means he would have had to come up with that idea completely by himself

post the timestamp that you received Hail’s initial Seamstress claim via whisper ASAP.

have we really gotten stupidly lucky from a snake charmer that willfully noactioned all of the first three nights

but he’s not italy

he’s not experienced with this setup

was it a -EV move, yes.

would he know better… maybe? but i agree with his reasoning. I don’t think he would want to be scum, and only when pressured to do so actioned