(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

especially from someone as inexperienced as hail

Roughly how early on did they say it though
Like near start of game?

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i mean magnus told me when i whispered to magnus that he had hail’s claim iirc(gonn fact check that)

and i think i whispered magnus before i whispered hail

yep fact is fact

magnus told me that he had swapped claims with hail at that point

and i whispered magnus before hail(thanks dat for the handy chart BTW)

so hail would have had to come up with that whole gambit all alone

Magnus likely would say no if this wasn’t correct, so it’s fair to assume that this is right

N i feel like ur me in Botf 1

and im arete

i was dead sure that arete was the last wolf and swore up and down to tunnel that slot. I inevitably re-evaluated(with a little help from a really smart eevee and a good nom from simon) and realized that it couldn’t be arete logically

i urge you to look at everything from a logical standpoint because assuming that i am requires reaching preeeeeeeety hard at least 2.5-3 times and while your gut might say one thing, logic was what won it there and what should win it here

botf 1 does not matter
the integrity of the result of that game was entirely compromised because my slot unintentionally became modconfirmed to arete when I replaced out

i know that’s true(with the whole frost thing) but i think the lessons there do hold up

i still urge you to re-eval or at least think logically about the points presented

im considering it

that’s all i ask

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Im bored

Somebody mentioned a massping.


Today is final day, and you folks have ghost votes that you can’t possibly have another chance to spend.


You two no longer have ghost votes, as you both know, but you are still able to contribute to your team with the most powerful weapon imaginable; your voices.

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i just realized how close we are to scum having parity

you weren’t kidding marshal
there’s not much time, eventually we have to just pick a target and go with it

im going to sleep soon, i should be back online around 8-6 hours before EoD

We need all town votes on one person

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yeah that’s what i’ve been saying

just in case i oversleep heavily and miss EoD (which is possible) . . .
/vote Yes on Wazza
/vote No on Everyone Else

Please do not vote (which would lock in my vote) unless I am not online by 1 hour before EoD or you have an emergency which will force you to go offline before then, @Vulgard. Thanks.

I may vote…


Make sure to state intent to vote before voting
I want to go on Wazza since there’s several solid arguments why the other two can’t be scum