(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


Vulgard was evil-sided, like I said.

please stop swearing at me, okay?
i tried hard this game
yes, we failed.
but i gave it all that I had, please believe me

I haven’t swore at you apart from when I called you a bastard and said you fucked up.

you said f you to me
that wasn’t nice

Look, you voted me too early.

It’s a simple mistake and it’s fine, it’s okay.

That was earlier, I was pissed off about the fact you literally voted me when in a situation of where you vote you lose.

The only way I can see Tangeld not ending the game is if all evils are already voting me.

I tried

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no, it’s already mathematically over, but tan is refusing to end the game early out of principle

You called me evil for me voting to exile the Beggar.

When the Beggar wasn’t even called to be exiled.

I know.

But it’s just so annoying.

i agree
but there’s nothing we can do

@Marshal You still haven’t voted on Hail. Vote exe on them.

i did too, my friend

wazza is being genuine here

should i do it

i saved it for this reason

it doesn’t matter either way
it’s already mathematically over

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We can still win, as long as Dat and Italy don’t vote me.
Tie the votes onto DirectorHail.

If Marshal votes Hail, we get Hail lynched and we win.

tying means no one gets executed, hail kills tonight, and we lose

Of course, someone in there is minion, but we just gotta hope.