(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

im already locked, right

he also said that he lost

/unvote @Tangeld forget everything forget everything you beautiful host

/vote Execute on DirectorHail if possible

how can simon be scum

I literally can’t see it

If we lynch demon, let’s end them with trial by cake.

i’m with geyde on this one

i could see simon scum but like… i feel like besides wazza’s most recent behaivour he’s 90% the demon here

i shouldn’t have impulse-voted

what’s your take on director, at least in his conversations to you

you probably know them better than anyone else here

I don’t see him being Demon.
If he was Demon, he probably would’ve refused to claim ten minutes into the game privately.

Demon does have bluffs

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but if hail is demon he claimed outside of his bluffs which makes no sense unless he was deliberately trying to do a gambit to intentionally thunderdome himself to look like SC

Then why would he claim differently to two things?

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If he had experience in this game, it would be plausible.
But he hasn’t, or with fm in general, so I’m not seeing it.

That’s kind of my problem
Because I think that’s irrational

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If I vote Wazza, will it lock anyone?

I’m not sure

i have no idea
i thought everyone was already locked b/c vulgard but idk

Dat could have been hiding who was demon because he thought we might just guaranteed win at that point