(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Something you should know about me is that I never interact with my neighbors in this game without strong cause, most of all early game.

trust me, it’s nothing personal. It’s just how I play the game

/vote NO on all nominees except Arete

I don’t think any of them are evil… well, except Arete. Arete is such a terrible person, I hate Arete.

…Wh-what do you mean I’m lying.

Seriously, though, I don’t think any of the three nominated people who aren’t the storyteller are wolves.

Also, I think I have it mostly figured out how this game works mechanically. I still don’t know how to wolfhunt, unfortunately.

That said, Apprentice decided to whisper me and claim wolf. Obviously, I didn’t claim wolf in return and posted it in the thread, because I found Apprentice’s whispering highly suspect. Why claim wolf to me? I guess a reactiontest makes sense, I’m just not sure if that makes them villa. :upside_down_face:

If I do have any questions, they will be about how to wolfhunt.

What? When? How?

ignore me, I misinterpreted how the bishop worked

i just read up on it. Turns out that ST must nominate at least one person per day that is the opposite alignment of the bishop

/Vote No on @Arete
/Vote No on @Nuclear_Rehab
/Vote Yes on @EVO
/Vote Yes on @Magnus

Why do you think EVO is the wolf?

And Magnus? Magnus because his logic wasn’t sound? I don’t really get how reads work in this game, so if you could share your thought process with me, that would be great.

I don’t have any strong reads at this point. I just think that it’s more likely than not that one of them is bad and I slightly townread nuclear for now (although it’s very easy for people like nuclear and arete to fool me)

you’re the one voting for the storyteller

It’s a meme vote. If too many people vote for the storyteller, the wolves will be outed.

So we are nominating people at random? Is that how this game works?

No player can nominate anyone until the Bishop is exiled

So how did these four even get nominated?

until then, we can only vote on the players that the storyteller nominates each day

the storyteller and only the storyteller nominates players while the bishop is alive

Okay, I see.

I think I see what you’re thinking right now. If the storyteller nominated four players (well, three + one), at least one of them is likely to be evil, because nominating players exclusively of the same alignment would be unfair to the players of that alignment. Is that it?

Not entirely, the storyteller can nominate whoever they want so long as at least one of the players nominated is the opposite alignment of the bishop

Doesn’t that mean we should just run train on all of them unless some are mechanically cleared? (If there is such a thing in this setup.) We would be guaranteed to hit a wolf at some point.

I personally doubt three villagers would be nominated here. And speaking of the Bishop, do we think Dat is bad? I think he’s good. Which means one of the three nominees is bad. :thinking:

Can I still change my votes?

i would highly doubt all three could be evil
