(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I had a feeling it was Marshal but I didn’t want to accuse him, if he was Vortox I didn’t care that I lost.

Either way I’m talking to Arete because you know, I can trust them with shit.

Goodbye forever, my friends, may we meet somewhere else. (This isn’t easy for me but it’s needed)


Katze protect me from Marshal he killed me

i figured it out, but we rejected that possibility too quickly

should I post a modrant



i wasnt paying too much attention to this game

but like


you’re so pure and kind and i love you

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do it

you saw what that final day looked like

it set me up well

I love you too Katze but Marshal killed me ;-;

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i had like 9 things to remind tan of as well

also my classcard has 333 posts from me

Also Marshal I felt so bad, I felt I left yall in such a shitty spot after Day 2. Yall played so well.

so in the final 3, what were their roles?

I was on the money, but yikes
Unoptimal scum plays fucked me over

dat and i were actually very coordinated
but marshal was a big baby and was really afraid that wazza was good so lied to him saying that…hail was the no dashii?

Tan is writing up a role list as we speak

By the way, what fucking happened there?
Why didn’t Snake Charmer turn into Demon?

Was Hail Minion?

Did the switch really happen?


also dramatic irony

No og demon

marshal – starting witch
hail – starting vortox
wazza – town crier

hail / marshal were switched by vulgard death