(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I still have 1 game I really want to host but idk if I should or if I should just leave.

it’s like 2 am where you are

sleep it over

Oof nvm I see Marshal is planning on hosting it.

@Marshal can I co-host Shortfuse V?

as you may or may not have seen, i spent like 2 dozen hours making custom text and tokens for every known unreleased role to make them usable

lol no, I hate sleep.

actually that would be perfect


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you told me almost an hour ago that you were going to sleep

now sleep.


Also Arete, I was going to but then my mum made me food.

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Anyway I shall now go to sleep.

at 2?

my parents went to sleep at like 8 pm

I woke up 2 hours ago.

ur parents are nerds then

My parents don’t go sleep until like 5am in the morning.

I hate it tbh but then again neither do I usually.

Anyway, goodnight.

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nah they just wake up early

actually i think my dad went to sleep at like 2 pm because his cycle is wach but :man_shrugging:

waking up early is for nerds :^)

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@Arete do you wake up early?


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what do you think???
they’re consistently on this forum until around 2-3 a.m. their time most weeknights

well yes because they’re a nerd

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