(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Katze you beautiful kitten youuu

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I dont know either

I didnt have info, was wildly confused and had all sorts of scenarios going through my head

One of them was that Apprentice was scum

Universal you beautifuler polar bear youuu

No you’re the beautifulester kitten

you’re beautifulestesterer

You’re the beautifulestesteresterest time infinityyy

no u


Now now dear Children calm down

We can all agree on one thing. Shurian is the beautifulest of us all

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God I’m happy that I outted, even when I originally wanted to play it.
Can you all please be nice to each other. No calling each other morons and idiots please


Laughs in keeps everything I think to myself because it’s bad to think of that to other people


also wait is clockmaker really a policy lynch

because if so

Sorry for slanking. I didn’t understand what was going on all game, despite the fact I tried.

Also lolVulgard. I nominated the Demon day 2 (or 3, I don’t remember) and I was correct when I said the Demon could’ve swapped with someone after killing me. Then I was told the swapped person would stay good or something and I got confused. :s

I’m glad at least some people had fun. I didn’t, because I didn’t understand anything, but I didn’t hate the game either, so.


so like

ideally I would like to be doing better than ‘didn’t hate the game’

is there anything in particular that would have helped you understand things?

in a game plagued by slanking, there’s only so much of a positive effect ST’s can have

there were a lot of things in BotF 1 and 2 that reminded me why this game was designed to be in a turbo-like format

text-based on discord is more bearable because 1) there is much less slanking and 2) everyone is much more experienced and isn’t still learning how the game works right before the end of the game

im going to run BotF IV with Marshal, and I’ll try hard to make it great, but I def won’t be playing BotF III here.

it’s gotten to be so bad for me that I believe one of the best solutions here might be to always have the “Angel” fabled active. But even that might not be good enough

I feel like the problem lies within me, at least partially. Maybe it’s just not a setup for me, given the fact I struggle to understand it so much. I’ve had that feeling about many subjects at school and stuff, so it wouldn’t be the first time.

What would be useful is… I honestly don’t know. This game has a ton of mechanics unheard of in forum mafia. I feel like a tutorial game / introductory game could be a good thing. Simpler classes and mechanics listed for each class, like a wiki maybe?

BotF 1 was using the easiest version of this game