(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Dw Vulgard. It was the same for me. I read all classes multiple times… and still had no idea what was going on. I still think the truth lies in “ignore all mechanics and play this game mountainous” because there is no reliable info at all.
This game is meant to be confusing. This game is meant to be not mechanically solvable. The mechanics are just there to confuse you, not to help you.

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The game has some reliable information to those that understand it.
But you’re more or less right.

At a big convention I went to in February, good lost basically every game because they were using only mechanics in all of the games.

There is information, but it can often be so unreliable that socially reading people can often be better

I would say that the usual mix of things that good should stick to to try to win is 70% social reads, 30% mechanics

It is like the opposite of fol. You are meant to win fol when you play mechanically. In fol the social stuff is just there to support you. But if you try to win a fol socially only, you will 100% lose.
Here it is… the game is meant to be solved socially. The mechanics can only support you, but if you try to win mechanically, you 100% lose.

This is basically what I tried this game. I tried using almost all mechanics while sheeping geyde for the social parts, and cutting several townies off from key information for almost the entire game. Hence why I lost

Other than by sheer luck, it’s impossible to win as good without predominantly relying upon social reads

The problem is that the game is super random. You win as good when you exe the demons. The Storyteller is bastard and your mechanics are unreliable, to try to compensate for this terrible concept.

I’ve played the game so much that I’ve just gotten used to it
When I am the storyteller, all of the choices I make are in an aim to keep the game closer however i can

Flipless isn’t for everyone, and I definitely enjoy FoL / FM a lot more
But at least for me, nightless is a lot worse than flipless

I also find this game a lot more fun in its traditional format, in-person and turbo-style.

There is an alternative space-themed version of this game that I played at that same convention in February called Airlock.

That game is mechanically solvable most of the time so good usually wins there
I feel like if the mechanics in this game were reliable, it would be nearly unwinnable for evil (like it is in Airlock)

I agree. If botf would not be bastard, it would be unwinnable for evils.

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I consider it only semi-bastard.
All possible sources of unreliability in information are fully defined
It’s just usually hard for the good team to figure out which of their information is unreliable and what that falseness is coming from.

Well you never can really figure it out, since it is flipless.

Definitely less bastard than bastardization in FM
Where there are multiple mechanics that you never have any idea what they are or that they exist

True yeah

There are also multiple characters that have the ability to end the game in a different way than the standard ending.

Such as Vortox, Doppleganger, and Klutz

Tbh BotF always appears as a game which was meant to be mountainous. Just for fun they added some mechanics, but since mechanics=bad, you make all of them unreliable, and it is impossible to figure it out which ones are reliable, and which not, during the game.

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Not completely impossible
Actually it is almost a certainty that you can figure out multiple pieces of the puzzle before the end
Just not put them together completely

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Well the concept on its own is already crazy. Imagine allowing in fol the dead to speak all game.

It’s the tradeoff that the creators of this game invented for it being flipless