(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I think any flipless game where dead players get eliminated like normal FoL / FM would be awfully scumsided

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They were trying to make something different from Ultimate Werewolf
Like I said, it’s a lot more fun in person

I love Werwolves irl. It is turbo, and noone takes it 100% serious. It is just a game to have fun

This game is also like that too in person i feel

Everything on the forums is a lot more tense and heated because people pour a lot more time into each individual game than turbo-style games like in-person BotC, Ultimate Werewolf, ToL, etc., so they care much more about the outcome

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Even when I always lose cause I cannot lie irl :joy:

the main reason I stick around here is because the forum community has been decisively effective in helping me combat depression when nowhere IRL or anywhere else has been able to help me with that.

Why I tried to leave discord and this forum over the new year was because I hoped that jewish frat would accept me and help me with these problems. Unfortunately they rejected me so I was forced to return here for my own mental health

I think I would like BotC irl. It would be a terrible, terrible mess, but it would be fine, cuz its just a party game

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Fun fact.

When N said:


At first, I thought he was losing it IRL over the possibility of being defeated there. Only after he explained the mechanic during the following day did I realize he was referring to a game mechanic and not his state in real life.

I chuckled.


The entire capability and state of my role was “be a townie that has to fakeclaim, yeah but thats it, no abilities”
So for me I just felt really out of place. Even if this game is not supposed to be mech-confirm heavy, it’s nice to have a button to press to at least feel useful.


might as well @me there, N.1


It was obvious I was avoiding being mad about something, the only mistake made there was trusting Marshal with my role.

nah but mutant can still be useful
a lot of times, mutant dying d1 can be good when there are no other options, as then you become a confirmed town, not unlike someone dying to the virgin in TB in order to make virgin a confirmed town.
this can become very useful in the d2 phase.

I’ve found that good almost always loses TB when a virgin becomes mechconfirmed

Causes the town to often rely upon solely mechanics which is of course an autoloss

putting all of that in me did that albeit to a lesser extent

i havent. ive seen that its good for calling out at least one minion in the early game, and that they can be a good source for the people who otherwise dont really know how to vote (read: me)

mechanics can get you your in. capitalizing on them and lynching the right person takes other skills

most who play this game would agree with me on the matter
this is a good article to read about it:

i mean i never play with the same group between sessions so no stuff like that really develops.
it works for me, and while it doesnt always work i havent really seen town win less games on the whole.

and the point remains, it depends on your group. sure, for people who play a lot and strive to play optimally, on the whole it might hurt their chances, but a more casual group where being the best really isnt a focus beyond winning that particular game their in, it can be useful.

plus, again, there are people like me, where i am better off with the confirmed good, as my reads are minimal enough for there to not be a noticeable loss in my play

So mutant is useful because he is confirmed once dead :thinking:

yes, exactly

i know you were kinda sarcastic, but your on the nose, really

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