(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

you also underestimate apprentice’s ferocity in socially reading in this game
he could have succeeded where even geyde failed if he was still around dead

but regardless, agree to disagree. this is done

I can tell you that if i was hail i absolutely was killing apprentice night 2
i would have known that no evil were nominated day 1 and if i let apprentice live the type of demon in the game would become mechconfirmed
that sort of thing is usually devastating to evil in this game. It can’t happen outside of the exact combination of mutant / maddened death + good beggar + vortox lol

technically from anyone’s PoV but yours it was mechanically possible for Evo to be evil

and from anyone’s PoV including yours it was mechanically possible for Apprentice to be

im talking about from the vortox’s pov

from vortox’s PoV, he knew bishop was evil D1, he knew mutant died D1, therefore almost a certainty to an experienced player beggar was good and had the power to mechconfirm the existence of vortox D2

This game was dangerouly close to getting mechlocked lol
Evil could have won much more easily if apprentice died N2
Heck, the only reason i threw myself on the sword there was because vortox’s existence was mechconfirmed (if that wasn’t so, for the record, I wouldn’t have done that and good would have lost D2)

also I disagree with this, purely on the basis of the fact that Nuclear failed to realize that Travellers were a thing and attempted to dream about DatBird

That’s a slippery slope argument
im not saying that because i don’t think he wouldn’t have known killing a traveler was possible; of course he could have
i’m saying that because 1) wazza has too little experience with this game to put the thought into whether killing a traveler would be optimal or not and 2) shurian could only mechlock the game if she was good; not evil

no it’s not

my argument is that it would plausibly not have been obvious to Wazza why killing Apprentice would be weird in the first place (just like it wasn’t obvious to Nuclear that dreaming about Dat was weird)

You might think this but I never would have; i assure you that
our minds work differently
so again, neither of us is ever going to convince each other of anything, so let’s agree to disagree

Shurian actually did give over the ghost vote before Apprentice traveled away, but this was while we were still trying to prod Apprentice for activity, and we decided not to resolve Shurian giving ghost vote to Beggar (or show Beggar Shurian’s alignment) until and unless Beggar came back online. This did not happen, and Shurian’s ghost vote was formally refunded upon the Beggar’s traveling away.

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ah got it ty

any interest in playing BotF IV? @Tangeld

Also who was the channel master target this game? I never found out

I’m gonna have to pass on that. Hell, I still need to run BotF III because I do care about numerical order.

Oh, that… technically didn’t matter because Vortox was in play and so every Townsfolk was forced to get wrong info anyway, but we randed Channel-Master and it landed on Savant.

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yes i know; it was going to be after BotF III anyways
i figured you weren’t going to play since you’re so busy… but i figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. Your counsel in forming the setup was extremely valuable anyway, so thank you.
Marshal and I decided to replace palabra de dios with shacklewight. Now we’re done.

We also excluded Dreamer and Seamstress from the rand because we didn’t realize until midway through D1 that we… hadn’t actually placed the Channel-Master because of the Vortox, and Dreamer and Seamstress had already acted by this point.

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I debated making a formal announcement that Channel-Master wasn’t even in play, but given that Channel-Master not being in play kind of confirmed that Vortox was messing with Dreamer info (there wouldn’t have been any other good reason to give Dreamer such obviously bad info), there was a bit of an obligation on our end to keep that one in.

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…I’d just like to say again that town should have realized a Vortox game much sooner. Dreamer had bad info N1, Town Crier had bad info N2, Oracle had bad info N2… That many people get bad info early, it’s Vortox.