(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

An interesting story about that last part;
One of my more recent S&V games saw me made mad about being the Clockmaker on N1 (I was the Seamstress). I invented the result of 2, and two players across the circle who were two spaces apart immediately ducked into a whisper D1, so I resolved to out my info upon their return and throw shade at them.
They returned, I immediately asked them if they had anything to say, and one proceeded to out the other as Cerenovus, because they had been Demon who was Snake Charmed N1. The Cerenovus immediately denied this, but I used the bogus Clockmaker info that I had already planned on pushing because of my madness to get the Cerenovus killed and free myself from the clutches of insanity.
Interestingly enough, my claim was technically garbage on the grounds that Clockmaker fires after Snake Charmer on N1, so I would have seen the distance from the Cerenovus to the new Demon as a real Clockmaker… but in an amazing stroke of luck, the Snake Charmer who hit the Demon N1 was two spaces to the other side of the Cerenovus, meaning that I actually did give correct Clockmaker info. Sects and Violets is a fun time.

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well its just that in my experience its often claimed 3 times or more, all day 1.

I just wanted to apologize to everyone for having to leave and not giving any warning. Someone close to me got diagnosed with COVID-19 and it kind of flipped my life upside down causing me to not even think about this game. Sorry for not giving anyone a head’s up.


No worries Apprentice, hope you and ur close person are feeling better

Yeah he’s doing much better now. It was my brother and he has pretty bad asthma so it was a scare for us.


No worries here, the nice thing about Travellers is that they’re designed so that you can leave midway through :upside_down_face:

I’m glad your brother is doing better

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Yeah I just feel like we would’ve won since the plan was to execute Marshal if I checked Shurian and he was good (well evil but ya know Vortox flip). Anyways thanks for the game guys!

If shuri was good, that meant magnus had to be good
Only possibility was that one of geyde or simon were evil (both of whom i heavily townread and would not have consented to considering bad) or it was marshal

You are right that we would have won if you hadn’t dipped, but IRL is much more important
I feel much better having lost this game than having won BotF 1 due to how hard I tried here
Also because the integrity of the result of BotF 1 was compromised and this game’s wasn’t

did shuri end up giving his ghost vote to you?

cuz i was killing u that night regardless

he tried to after apprentice was forcibly exiled
ergo it was refunded

i might be wrong but i don’t think it has to be daytime for a ghost vote to be given to a traveler
p sure it can be at any time

oh i was under the impression that it was daytime

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Ignore this, i just looked at the almanac

to be fair im also confident we would have won if apprentice had been killed

the only way vortox kills beggar there is if it’s to stop him from seeing something that he desparately did not want him to see
Shurian evil did not mechlock the game. Only shurian good did

i could have played it off as them wanting to keep shuri’s alignment secret… and it being evil.

I think italy was trying to signal to me to kill apprentice. and i could have used those posts to potentially set that up

Also i’m confident that i would have been able to mechread that wazza never would have killed the beggar
he’s too unfamiliar with this game

let’s agree to disagree
since we’ll never know and we’ll never convince each other, i assure you that

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i think the italy posts could have helped

but agree to disagree :man_shrugging: