(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/Vote No on @Arete
/Vote No on @Magnus
/Vote Yes on @EVO
/Vote No on @Nuclear_Rehab

Plus the way he said he used his ability did not sound very convincing to me tone wise

We have to execute someone today or evil just wins instantly if a vortox is in play.

VOTE, People!

When me and Marshal talked. I came to the conclusion that Magnus in this game feels a hella lot more talkative and engaged then last game where he was demon. Thus drawed the conclusion he prob isnt demon. Could be a minion allowed to take more risks. Nuke felt genuine throughout his reveal of info so I would prob count him as town. He also gave info that seems to state hes malfunctioning as well based on his question which does kinda put him in a dome I guess and imo Nuke is town. I would prob say EVO is my best guess as of right now

/vote yes to Evo
/vote no to Arete
/vote no to Nuclear_Rehab
/vote no to Magnus

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Evo in this case as someone was talking bout him as I was typing and my train of thought messed up

Hmm interesting that 2 of the public claimers were chosen to be nominated. My read so far is that Nuclear seems decently town based on how he reacted to me. Magnus is very slight townlean but I could change on that fairly easily. I don’t have a great read on EVO either, but they seem like they’ve contributed the least to solving so far out of the three.

/vote no to Arete
/vote no to Nuclear_Rehab
/vote no to Magnus
/vote yes to EVO

Also based on the information shared so far I think it’s decently likely we’re in a Vortox game. We have Nuclear and EVO who were both nominated and both claiming blatantly false info.

I just realized I don’t have any votes lmao

/vote no on everyone

can u give me a brief rundown on what that means? Plz

A Vortox will make all good players recieve false information. The Artist asked if they were the Artist and got a no (clearly false). The Dreamer checked a Traveler and received two characters that you obviously are not. There are other ways to receive misinformation but this makes me lean slightly towards that. (and of course one or both could be mad/lying)

Tangled what would happen if a Dreamer were to check a Traveler and receive true information?

The fact that two of the nominated player’s info points towards being incorrect makes me think it’s more likely.

Well by that logic the only acceptable lynch would be Magnus as only good have that kinda problem. Unless one of the other two knew that and did so much, and if we are going if tone and when it was revealed I still beleive Nuke as more towny

I wasn’t implying that either of the other two was good because of it, rather that since both of their info points in the same direction we could easily have an evil minion who hasn’t gotten to communicate with their demon “malfunctioning”.

Ahhh ok. I know minions and demons dont have a chat but do they ateast know eachother

Yes they know who each other are. They do not know which characters each other are without talking though.

Ok good to know. I want to recheck my whisper chart to see who each whispered to plus their neighbors but cant for a bit.


/vote no on everyone

Nah it was perfect as is. I just wanted to see if it would work again after how JoJos host is a neut thing went down

Common sense after reading the thread: the nominees probably do not contain three wolves.
Wazza: votes to execute all of them anyway.

You seem to be on the exact same page as I am, which only furthers my V read on you.

The problem is that Apprentice has the exact same take. Maybe N.1’s Savant check about “the travellers having the same alignment” was correct? Maybe they are both villagers? It sounds almost too good to be true.

Of course, them agreeing with me is not necessarily V indicative – I could just be wrong about my reads. It’s my first game in a setup like this, after all.

Can you please explain?