(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Could you explain more clearly why you think I’m evil? I can’t see any benefit to me claiming to be a Good Traveler to you, but there is large potential upside to claiming to be an Evil Traveler. Also, I didn’t lie to you about any of the rules of the game when doing so as that would’ve been in bad faith imo. Is the only reason you’re scumreading me, because I claimed evil to you or is it more than that.

it seems likely that my savant info indicates that either you are datbird is evil

What indication makes you think we have a Cerenovus in the game? Just the fact that there’s been no outed Doppelganger (which is fair enough I guess)?

Apprentice’s recent posts have been much better, but at the same time, I believe a wolf would be able to make all of them. There is nothing in Apprentice’s ISO where I go “this cannot possibly come from a wolf.” And considering Apprentice started off the game by claiming wolf to me, I can’t possibly put them in my village core.

The one good thing about Apprentice is that according to this message in Rehab’s ISO, they claimed wolf to more than one person – at least, I think they did. And that doesn’t sound like such a good idea when you actually are aligned with the wolves.

Rehab’s message I am referring to. I personally believe it must have been Apprentice who sent the message. If they did this to several people, then it becomes less wolfy in my eyes. They seem to have done this to several newbies, which could be seen as a bit of a problem. However, I can see a village motivation. A wolf could do this to find reasons to push the newbies, but Apprentice ended up reading me and Rehab village, which contradicts this idea.

I suppose I’m ready to come around and see Apprentice as at least somewhat villagery, even though their initial wolfclaim in their whisper to me (while also claiming I was the Demon and that they knew this) made me highly suspicious of them.

Note: This could very well have been a pocketing attempt. And Apprentice was quite adamant about me being the Demon in our whispers, but ceased whispering me when I called them out within the thread – and then they froze. That sequence of events made me extremely suspicious back then, and when I think about it now, I still find it offputting.

Maybe a player more experienced than me can figure out if Apprentice is a wolf based on this. From my point of view, it was more wolfy than villagery, but since I was the one whispered with a wolfclaim, I am definitely biased. I doubt I will be able to read Apprentice as a pure villager until far later into the game.

is n.1 hinting something

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you’re right, I have no idea if there’s a cerenovous in this game.
You and dat could both be evil, although I’m convinced that tan would not put 2 good travelers here.

The reason I stopped whispering you is because I went to take a BioChem exam. If you want to sus me for that I literally can’t do anything to stop you. I’m just saying that as a Good Traveler there is 0 positive benefit for me claiming to be Good to you and there is a lot of potential claim by claiming to be Evil.

Also yes Italy I’ve been saying that I’m pretty sure N1 is mad and made his other statement about travelers so it wouldn’t affect too much of the game. (or at least claiming madness)

Again, no. I’m not mad; i’m the savant, just biased on what alignment of traveler combinations I expect to appear based on what storytellers I’ve played with in the past.

there could very well be 2 good travelers
in fact, the idea of two evil travelers is completely insane

my favorite storyteller I’ve played with (rewind from botc discord, in person at a con) will never put all good travelers if there’s more than one traveler in-game
so ye im biased

I agree, that is the underlying problem with my read on you. It’s influenced by something that was out of your control, but at the same time, it’s something neither of us can prove.

No matter. I believe I’ve said enough about the read. It’s a combination of your early behavior toward me and the negative bias it spawned inside me. If you are a villager, I should eventually come around to V-reading you. I would not like to mislynch you.

@ N.1 If you think one of the Travellers is evil, which one is it?

2 good or 1 good 1 evil is possible
but 2 evil is a terrible idea and nobody would do such a thing

Rewind would and does often

At this point, apprentice, as we agreed upon earlier

Why did you leave out the part where I made my mind up?

Did you even play the last game? It was a shitshow.

Demon and Wolf claimed the same thing.
Wolf2 and Wolf3 claimed the same thing.
It was so beautiful and terrible at the same time.

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I’ve been reading through Apprentice’s posts and he seems null to me, neither SL or TL. I agree with Vulgards conclusion that his recent posts have been rather town like although any evil could’ve said it aswell.

I’ll have to keep my eye on him. For now I’m not sure who I’m sus of, I’ll have to do some more reading. Some people have done some ISO’s, what post number are they at?

Arete, obv
Magnus Im not really liking this game, but in terms of alignment, idk
Evo, no idea whatsoever
Nuclear I’ll probably switch to voting before the end of the day due to their claim being the safest Lynch iirc, but I’m waiting to see how it develops.

And a thought just occurred to me, Bishop completely counters the witch

/Vote no on everyone @tangeld @arete

Yes Bishop fully counters the Witch and also stops Town Crier info. However, it does allow the Town Crier to be certain of whether or not they are getting true information (if they get a yes tonight it’s guaranteed to be false).