(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I was dead regardless.
And besides, I was told to out by multiple people.

you should have fake claimed something that doesn’t necessarily want to stay alive so desperately
You could have stuck with a different claim for the whole time
Something about this game that you should know is that it can often be advantageous for good people to lie, as well.

I would have been lynched by Marshal. He wanted me dead even when he did know I was Flowergirl lol.
Plus, even before I outed publicly people knew my class.

no, people were going more for EVO.
EVO still would have died over you even if you had claimed something else. I guarantee it.

I would’ve been countered, and the people who knew my class would be sus of me, and I’d be outed by them anyway.

This forum yes. I believe it is the case that this is not the only forum in which tangeld has run this.
hes only run it one other time, on Trouble Brewing, previously. and that wasnt his first time running the game, as can be seen with the whole Italy/Deviant thing in the traveller character list in the other OP. This was there too in the previous game on this forum.

:man_shrugging: okay. i personally wouldnt consider myself as tunneling you (i would pursue other scumreads as well, if i had any)

bish I DID. you just kinda in an offhand manner mentioned you were going to the ST, enough to count by tangelds rules, which he announced in main thread (another reason why i dont believe you)

and one which tangeld appears to have run many times

alright. I dont know why you’re so hung up on this. I really dont push or scumread people based on personal quirks, and i specifically said it was the weakest part of my argument. ??

evo definitely would have been executed. even if magnus got 10 votes, mutant happened, and that takes the slot for the execution of the day.
(speaking of, @EVO feel free to speak up. you can talk, even though your dead)

I was doomed regardless, because Marshal decided to not trust the Flowergirl and as good as said so.

shouldve claimed savant smh

Not doing that when it’s been claimed,

this was not my intention and I disagree that I did this at all.

Tan has altered the original version into this forum version in multiple ways.
She has never run THIS specific version before.
Believe me, in the official version of this game, Savant never needs to publicly announce that they are going to speak to the storyteller for information.

thats the joke

Maybe I shoulda claimed Savant during massclaim tbh

how sure are you of this?
Do you know of every single time they’ve run BotF?
in every forum that they’ve run BotF?
because they’ve run it in multiple places, not just in this forum

i’m certain. I’ve spoken to tan about this privately; she custom made this version for this forum.

Yes, BotF has been run on other forums (such as BGG).
Tan and Arete have never played this game there or any other forum, only in their discord and IRL.

this. offhand mentioning of it. its not a direct claim, but thats what everybody thought, and its implications that matter.

imo your intention to visit the story teller was made clear

Believe me, if it had been my intention to publicly claim, I would have done it more clearly.
I had already asked for the information in my role PM before I sent that message.

you literally hardclaimed your class in your first post

I disagree that I was clear enough in my intention to publicly declare that I was requesting my information for the day.

That is different from hardclaiming.

yeah, sure you did, but you sent that post, and then later you received information. from an outsiders perspective this means you went to visit the storyteller, and then received information.