(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

If no one claims outsider to me by the end of the day, I will assume that we have a Vigormortis and that all future outsider claims are fake.

It isn’t true

If he wishes to quote where I said “I distrust magnus because of his claim” then sure.

I just stated my distrust of magnus In general for the way he was playing.

and it’s unfair to say I would have “lynched him anyways”

I stated clearly that I thought it was better to trust magnus then lynch him.

I think he’s just upset that I scumread him at some point

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to be specific, please claim to someone

that someone does not have to be N.1

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it doesn’t have to be simon either, btw

never said it should be

It Can be to papa

Tho if it’s to anyone


basically conftown

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This is an understatement
He is mechanically modconfirmed to have been the Mutant.

And you have me to thank for him being conftown

Please ignore that “conftowning” hIm was getting him killed and ending day early

although I had no idea that could kill him

But having a town

u can trust

Is good

trust me this is much better than getting a townsfolk executed (or klutz) that really didn’t want to die then

he was definitely the best choice for execution other than a minion or demon

Thank you

With this information I have decided to take all of the credit and none of the blame


it was arguably better than executing a minion imo because it modconfirmed one of the outsider slots which is very powerful and good

if the mutant had to waste a day by getting themself executed, day 1 was definitely the best day to do it

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to vote!

…Oh wait, I have to place the nominations first. One moment.

nominations incoming

Inb4 Marshal and the 2 storytellers

@Universal, @Italy, @Nuclear_Rehab and @Vulgard have been nominated for execution!

The accusation for all nominations is as follows: Hoc voluntatem Dei.

The accused may now give their defenses.

Is it possible that you would make further accusations later?

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Yeah none of these are really what I was hoping for

Extremely unlikely, but yes, further accusations may be made within twelve hours, as that is the length of the nomination phase.

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