(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

plus, i would have had to have been mad yesterday as well. and i didnt claim anythign then

because i was suspecting you even then

nah, you’ll die anyway if you don’t do a good enough job of convincing everyone that you’re not mad
it’s how the condition works. You’re trying really hard to feign not knowing how it really works, but we both know that you do and are fighting desparately to hide that fact.

no it doesnt. it matters if you try, not on how good of a job you do

the condition of mad is attempting to convince others that you are something, not convincing them of it

wrong, comprehensively
again, you’re faking not knowing how it works to support your own narrative

wrong, it’s the latter

and you know it
but must try to hide that fact to stay alive

no it isnt.
mad is in no way, shape, or form, based on actual results on how you effective you are at convincing people
@Tangeld would you please describe what exactly person [a] being ‘mad’ about being class [b] means

then lets prove it, publicly

again, your feign won’t last forever

if you question the mod literally interpreting mechanics publicly like this, there is no hope for you

if the mod says what your saying, ill go die in a fire

i guess

if the vortox is in play, they can force the mod to lie on mechanics questions

but im fine with putting it to the expert

vortox messes with abilities, not the role of the story teller

so yes this is what i will credit it too if ST appears to agree with you


please back me up on this

Vortox guarantees all information to be false
ALL information. Including any said by ST at any time apart from deaths.