(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Mechanical questions should be asked in class cards.

god no, if that were the case then it could make bishop function wrong, and all sorts of thing

tangeld has answered them publicly before. if they do so here i wont question it, but ima at least wait for them to respons

i mean if they decide not to answer

i will interpreted it as a lie if you say that they agreed with you, sorry.

that or vortox is messing with everything if multiple people appear to confirm

you know what.
your right, i am mad about being savant. ive been lying this entire time

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and i just dont care anymore. good night, yall

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ST doesn’t have to kill you here, so let’s hope for the best.

simon is right

vortox does not interfere with the storyteller’s ability to communicate truthfully

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god i really had to claim the mechanics of the game were incredibly wonky to win a thunderdome
Shows how bad i am

yes of course i know vortox doesn’t make ST a walking talking conundrum


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okay i’m going to play a game about being an RAF mechanic now
wish me luck against the luftwaffe
also help, chrome is crashing because combined they’re too much for my computer

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Night guys, im going to sleep, should be on before EoD
please vote for Nuclear so we don’t just lose instantly to Vortox

anyways, if it isnt clear, im not mad, and just thought that would be a better way of convincing you

nah, you’re mad all right, just gave up fighting me
you’re extremely lucky that you’re not dead

like that was so ballsy. But regardless, it worked out.

nah i just figured thats literally the one thing you wouldnt expect a mad person to do.

why do you think im mad rather than scummy though?