(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/Vote Yes to Exile DatBird

Get him out of here before the nomination phase begins
You are not welcome here @DatBird

I find irony in an Evil Bishop
namely because evil means the side that worships demons

Also everyone please request a whisper with me as soon as you see this message
Once again, I am modconfirmed good and am still the Savant.

/whisper N.1

Everyone must trueclaim to me and ONLY me via whisper today.
I offer a promise of utmost secrecy, and I do not break my word.


Very AI Massping:

@DatBird (Bishop :church: )
@Apprentice (Beggar :bowl_with_spoon: )

Sorry I wasn’t on the previous day, went away for the long weekend.
/Whisper N.1 @N.1

this post points towards arete being neutral

/Hands Up Datbird

/Hands up Datbird

Only because N.1 insists on it, Since he’s mod confirmed.

is it just me
or has the demon gotten more violent since last time
they’ve gone from utilizing nature’s fury to maiming people and putting their corpses on display

1 Like
  1. You dont gotta be a dick about it
  2. Day Ends at 8:41 means 8:41 u aint supposed to speak but whatever…
  3. Guess Im outie
  4. Guess putting eggs in basket on the vortox dude spawning based on the lack of votes by everyone, was bad idea and saying gg

:eyes: @Insanity

Mobile is annoying and sometimes results in your friendly local Storyteller ghosts accidently liking posts at random

please don’t interpret this as meaningful in any way

I think I’m finally getting things together.

First we exile Datbirb, and then we shall talk.
There is a Ceronovus in play, I assume.

yeah i do, you vortox warshipping scum

Gee, you don’t say?
I thought N.1 was just bastard second mutant.