(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I almost forgot. We only need to kill one person. Good wins if the Demon (which is the Vortox in this game) is dead.

n.1 if you get someone hung over your madness i will be taking your vibe

Is there a way this could happen
I saw some roles that can switch stuff so maybe it could be those

I know for certain that both of Datbird’s characters were not travelers (that’s how it works p sure)

Day’s barely started

Vortox will guarantee all mechanical info is false. Meaning all of your info is a bunch of fucking lies.

That’s why I brought it up in the first place after checking N.1’s howthefuckthisworks post

what was his feedback on you?

It doesn’t make sense

Just scroll up

that i was savant or witch
again, he can’t possibly see me as savant as a dreamer because I actually am savant and this is a vortox game
So he is confirmed to have been openwolfing.

I ain’t got time, I got work to do and I want to be asleep by 4:30am (an hour and 22 mins away)

N.1 your vibe is about to be fucking checked.

btw how do you we know it’s a vortox game.

@Wazza whisper me and fullclaim, now. I’m modconfirmed to be good.

'Nuff said.

please read
beggard got reverse alignment on another modconfirmed good, EVO.
vortox is the only way to mess with beggar mechanically

Apprentice got an “Evil” on evo. The mutant.

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I’m outed.

does not matter. fullclaim to me via whisper, now
im logging all this stuff.

wait no I can confirm it’s a Vortox game, idk what i’m on about lmao.