(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Oh Marshal bad news ;-;


italy being annoying

that slots just scum



i’d find u more fun if u just lolcatted instead of deluding yourself into thinking anyone buys what you are saying :unamused:

you’re saying you haven’t spent the last day intentionally antagonizing me

okay im fucking sorry if you feel “attacked” but if u do the just shut

if you are town(which ur NOT) then ur gamethrowing cuz ur full of goddamn salt

i don’t think you understand the meaning of gamethrowing

if ur town you are being anti-wincon

which is unfair on a whole nother fucking level to Me, N, and everyone who has put work into this game

okay so not giving someone your vote token is gamethrowing

like i see maybe a 1 percent chance you aren’t wolf

you have a chance to prove us wrong and shift a gamestate-view that would be really bad if you are town

but ur salt is overriding that

im done arguing with you

Im sorry im getting heated but i cant deal with this shit

italy is probably intentionally baiting me here too so im just not going to feed the beast but holy fuck is this godawful logic irritating

if you think i’m kidding you’re wrong
i’m fucking livid right now

FRC Mid Atlantic most likely is gonna cancel the season

They already cancelled 2 games

They will most likely cancel the next one

Even then our school may close down for a couple of weeks

So our team is pretty much rip. It’s a sad day today. A few teams already announced they are leaving for the season

im not engaging with you right now you are either gamethrowing town or the worlds most FUCKING IRRITATING wolf ever jesus christ

im gonna cool down
distract me from italy’s annoyingness plase

worlds might be canceled for FTC