(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Wait I think the perfect image

Wait… Did you just admit that you’re being worse than McCarthyism?

I would TBH
You’d have to be ringleader that somehow became ST before the game started even though this is impossible
If we lynch you, someone that we don’t currently know will replace you

Is that an openwolf?

in some aspects yes
Not in all
In many others, it’s not as bad

Our punishment for the wicked is much more merciless
But we have much, much more solid evidence to convict anyone of treason than McCarthy ever did

He had no honour. He slung around accusations with no proof whatsoever
He was a joke tbh

I nominate @Tangeld

…Wait, I’m dead.

/whisper @N.1


why tho


That’s N.1 when someone moves



/whisper @N.2

/accept asap

I doubt Uni demon honestly

Hi, quick thing I want to say is that this group has thought up a law that if you submit the digit right of D, you lock wolf

/whisper Uni

N.1 out here breaking off my whisper shame.