(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/whisper @Apprentice
we need u to solve
let’s talk

Outed my info to N.1


/nominate Tan

You cannot nominate, you’re dead.

And even if you were alive, you could not nominate me because then Bishop would be alive and I’d be making all the nominations.


game is on hold until Apprentice has the time to try to solve mechanically @everyone

also i want to apologize to @Universal
for reasons we still cannot tell you, the chances of you being scum just plummeted.

you probably will not die today. Apologies for my supreme bunglement. Hope you can forgive me.

So now we’re deciding between 3 people who are all evil, but only one has to die for a village win?

Maybe this is worse than McCarthyism

one of them is already dead vul

italy was the cerenovous, and he’s dead.

there is still a witch and a vortox alive.
we just have to execute the vortox. The witch is annoying but we can win with them alive if the vortox dies.

Thought we already established that this was worse than McCarthyism…

Only in terms of the mercilessness of the punishment
Not the laughable ease in which accusations were swung

Oh, sorry, was it not mechconfirmed enough for you?

my supreme bunglement of the uni situation has made me realize this was just a big shitshow
sorry @Universal

yes, i accept that i’ve been an ass this game
and im sorry

this game means a lot to me, because your first variant of this game was my first game of clocktower ever and how I heard about the game originally

And well that first game I won only by using a tactical move (albeit completely unintentionally) that was very clearly and blatantly against the spirit of the game

so i wanted to try to lead this game. I’ve failed really badly and im sorry
Please allow me to repent @Tangeld