(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I messed up by taking Shurian’s vote from D4 into D3

And forgetting Apprentice’s.

. . . . ?

Still 4 nominators though.

did shurian ever nominate anyone for execution (Apprentice who he nominated for exile does not count)

yeah he nominated universal.

You pointed it out as well.

when did he nominate universal


so you meant Universal and Shurian here
. . .

D1 - N2 = Min Nom = Yes (Tangeld)
D2 - N3 = Min Nom = Yes (Tangeld)
D3 - N4 = Min Nom = Yes (Vulgard, Universal, DirectorHail and Apprentice)
D4 - N5 = Min Nom = Yes (Shurian, Universal)
D5 - N6 = Min Nom = Yes (Universal)
D6 - N7 = Min Nom = Yes (Marshal)

And that’s where we are at.

Apart from D3, all of Uni’s noms have been Shurian.

And I find that funny for some reason.

The biggest problem I have with the Hail Vortox theory is that Hail initially claimed Seamstress (counterclaiming Universal’s actual claim) instead of going with Snake Charmer right away.

No offense to Hail, but I don’t think he has enough experience with this game to know that the Demon almost always claims from their bluffs (classes guaranteed to not be in the game) to stay safer, and that intentionally thunderdoming himself could make him seem townier.

Yes, the Demon always receives three classes which all must not be in the game. He can claim from them / give one or a couple to his minions. The only person who might have that kind of idea would have been Italy, so if Hail never whispered Italy, I’m starting to lose faith in it as a possibility.

Hail chose to thunderdome when the Demon never has to. So right now I believe that Wazza has more demon equity than Hail, especially because Wazza’s results seem to suggest no one in our Witch PoE can possibly be the witch.

Wazza, who can possibly be the witch from the perspective of your results???

I don’t even know where the fuck y’all witch theory came in.

The second minion must be a witch, wazza

The existence of a dopplegänger must become mechanically confirmed at the start of the game
And the Pit Hag must become confirmed sooner or later, as they must change the class of a good person at some point.

The fact that it’s a witch doesn’t really matter right now.
It’s mechanically confirmed that there must have been a second minion still alive when Italy died.
Your town crier results seem to suggest that is impossible @Wazza

I don’t know if it’s in this game, but if a Demon killed themself their minion became the Demon (in the last game)
Just saying, that might have happened at some point, but idk.

Additionally, where’s the outsider?

This isn’t possible in this game
Only the Imp can do that