(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i posted everyone’s claim in an earlier post.
It was Vulgard. He was the barber.

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I don’t know if you saw, but I did this in the first game despite having the spy, who had all claims, next to my slot.

The spy doesn’t exist in this game
So that comparison is bad.

No it isn’t, it’s actually good.

Spy gives me all claims.
I claim a class that was in the claimlist.

That’s exactly like that demon thing, not to mention the fact that, DirectorHail lied and I didn’t at any point.

Also, how the fuck was he barber? I ain’t seen anyone who swapped classes.

The Demon does not have to choose to use this ability when the barber dies.
Alternatively, if the Witch is still alive, the Vortox could have swapped places with the witch.

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When did Vulgard die?

N5, right?

This is a Vortox game, so there must be exactly two outsiders, so we know Vulgard was the Barber for sure.

Either the Vortox chose not to swap anyone or he swapped two evil people with each other. This is guaranteed.

Vulgard was killed during N5 / before D5 begun, yes.

The living players when Vulgard died were @Marshal, @Wazza, @DirectorHail, @Universal and @Apprentice.

If the Vortox swapped himself with any dead player, he would lose instantly and the game would be over. Therefore, that didn’t happen.

If the Vortox included any good player as a part of the swap, that good player would have already told us. So that didn’t happen.

Therefore, the only possible option is that the Witch is a part of that five (which would clear Shurian), or the Vortox chose to not swap anyone.

Witch isn’t confirmed.

Vulgard was the only player to nominate DirectorHail
Apprentice was the only player to nominate me.
DirectorHail was the only player to nominate Marshal.

Yes, it is. Dopplegänger is mechanically impossible since that is revealed during Day 1.
Pit Hag is basically impossible since no good player has ever mentioned having their class changed, and the Pit Hag must change a good player’s class at some point.
Therefore, the second minion must be the Witch.

Nominations have no relevance to the Barber. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say with this post.

What if we literally lynched Pit Hag the day after they failed.

You aren’t thinking this through, the minions all died early on, meaning the Pit Hag would’ve died early on as well if they existed.

No one evil died “early on”.
Both the D1 and D2 lynches are mechanically confirmed good players.

It’s not possible for the Pit Hag’s action to fail.

Perhaps others will be able to explain this better than I have when they’re online. Everything has already been fully considered and analyzed.

(via whisper, over the past 4+ in-game days)