Next front news page: Marshal claiming
Hosts will still see your whispers. No funny business.
Alright Imma just create the whispers now because I came into this game through the back door
Witness my pro gamer moves
That reminds me, I actually need to make the neighbor whisper channels (which I will make as host so that they are properly labeled as neighbor whispers. I had a few incidents last game of yelling at people for not announcing whispers because I forgot that they were neighbors).
I’ll just create and put [Neighbour] at the title
Not like I had any problems before
Can Italy drive to my house and we whisper there?
Not the coronavirus
Eh I’m having less fun Shut posting
Aright nerds game is bad
I’m slowly trying to transition into town leader marshal
Everyone spew some bullshit
The host is mafia for not telling town all the red checked players
Let’s just start with stealing arete’s rqs
Last completed game
Last lesson learned from it
For me it’s FoL 26
And it’s that towngod Marshal is back
I have kinda a dumb idea but
Who wants to whisper
First one to say it gets it
Contemplating continuing with meme or naw.
Anyhow there’s a plane somewhere.
Lemme check if some demon can bullme through whispers first
Oh, for… Apparently there’s a limit to how many DMs I can create in a given timespan. I got through some of the neighbor whispers; if I didn’t get to you, either wait or be kind enough to do that yourself. Please label them as neighbor whispers for convenience if you do create them yourself.
Alright any outsiders out themselves to me and me so that I can pass the information to the demon
Whisper me for loves.
Tinfoiling if shurian is miñon the demon is one of these 2
Laughs in that’s a terrible guess
Btw did you know you can have good demons? If there is a Pit-Hag, burn them at the stake immediately.
/whisper Marshal
I put more than three !!!s, but system won’t let me put more.