(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Hi Vulgard :smiley:

If a demon is pit-hagged into existence

  1. The demon is Good, not Evil
  2. Night kills are arbitrary, so ST decides the kills, which usually ends in a dead demon

New to this electric fang gu awesomeness but let’s roll

Ooh mine is TOSFM and I learned I can make as many OJ Simpson jokes and I will still be acquitted for like 4 days. I also learned NK is like TK but people want u dead

Ooh me

The game already rolled.

…like…rock n roll

Oh shit we starting a band

I want to whisper someone I never did this before. Who should I whisper

just do /whisper and hope they accept

No but who? That’s the question

Alright guys
Imma sleep now

Glad to see yall Datbird and Italy <3

And Vulgard 1540320994902

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Get some good sleep we talk later
/whisper Shurian

Shuri broke whisper

I’m also bad at this game

Broke whisper?

If u talk in main thread

Then u can’t whisp the person

Until they /whisper you

And you accept again

Oh ok. I would have prob broke this rule if I didnt know thnx

Can you whisper multiple people at once?

Cause if so a whisper only game would be fun