(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

And director only nommed on d3
There’s a point at which they could have swapped with Marshal

Every result D4 and earlier from Wazza must be legit if he’s good.

True and Proper List of This Game (Wazza’s POV):

Townsfolk - Wazza - Town Crier
Townsfolk - N.1 - Sage
Townsfolk - Universal - Seamstress
Townsfolk - Shurian - Oracle
Townsfolk - Marshal - Clockmaker
Townsfolk - Magnus/Insanity/Geyde - Flowergirl/Savant/Dreamer
Townsfolk - Magnus/Insanity/Geyde - Flowergirl/Savant/Dreamer
Outsider - Vulgard - Barber
Outsider - EVO - Mutant
Minion - Italy
Minion - Magnus/Insanity/Geyde - Flowergirl/Savant/Dreamer
Demon - DirectorHail - Snake Charmer

Brought to you by Wazza’s POV

I doubt ST nominates any evil players with an evil bishop day 1. Maybe on later days, but not day 1.

feel like magnus is the only real possibility from that list


I’m willing to trust geyde definitely

I can’t believe director would ever try to kill a teammate on purpose in this situation
It’s just so bad

Townsfolk - Wazza - Town Crier
Townsfolk - N.1 - Sage
Townsfolk - Universal - Seamstress
Townsfolk - Shurian - Oracle
Townsfolk - Marshal - Clockmaker
Townsfolk - Magnus - Flowergirl
Townsfolk - Geyde - Dreamer
Outsider - Vulgard - Barber
Outsider - EVO - Mutant
Minion - Italy
Minion - Insanity - Savant
Demon - DirectorHail - Snake Charmer

Insanity was the other Minion.

Insanity is the only person out of those 3 earlier to die during the day.

If it was a magnus / hail combo wombo, why didn’t magnus actually try to take advantage of it most days

The rest died at night.

wow not even gonna include me, wow its like I played this game too

insanity also died at night

Travellers are more irrelevant than a 2 pack of chicken nuggets

“Insanity is the only player to die at night”
“Insanity also died at night”

he subbed in for Simon after Simon was killed at night

so we pretty good then. I love nuggets

i’d argue that he did somewhat

i’ve thought him scummy

ill iso him
but i’ll iso simonsanity to humor wazz here