(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

It’s just a gut read for now, yes I know that.

m boi

you leapt onto that like it was a bomb

You said that Shurian called your soft first as well

do you not think im going to do everything i can and use every argument i can to prove im not demon? i’ve had that up my sleeve for a while and it’s just the plain truth.

yes shurian called my soft

and i told shurian that yes, that was in fact what i was softing

All times I talk about my N2 info on D2

I did not realise it was a Vortox game at this point.

Me finding out it is a Vortox game:

Me realising it is indeed a Vortox game and then I told N.1 about how I can confirm it.

I’m just SoC posting

Hail being starting vortox is a bit confusing to me though because as I said before, he chose initially to counterclaim Uni as Seamstress when if he was Vortox, he would have had three classes to choose from which all must have not been in the game.
Thoughts @Geyde?

It’s not a yoloclaim then
You let them take initiative there

N.1 did you lie when talking about how Geyde saw you as Savant?

Magnus / Director could very easily have combod to pull it off

This is a vortox game, so he must have seen a fake class.


He didn’t see me as Savant.
He saw me as something else that was neither savant nor sage.

i mean if i were minion i could have just said “not revealing anything for now”

but instead, in this world, i decided to randomly say “yes, i am in fact the clockmaker” without conversing with anyone else or having any safeclaims

I’m going to move of this topic before I give him Vietnam War Flashbacks.

There’s a certain amount of ability to trust someone calling you out on what you were softing
Plus it works

Shurian was softing something entirely different in thread by that point

wording bad

‘It’s easy to trust someone that agrees with you’

It’s frustrating me that my gut read is conflicting with my mechanical biases.
I just doubt that Hail would have known it would have been optimal to get counterclaimed if he was planning to claim something else first before going to Snake Charmer if Snake Charmer was a bluff.