(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Theory: Tan actually accepted the madness kill because she didn’t know how the vortox ability works in flavor terms

i actually said something about this at one point

I think that’s how MU does it

reasonable. the game basically never ends like that

u didnt ruin game, just remember theres people on the other end. Shutting people down is really not a great feeling

MU is dumb then

shutting italy down was a great feeling

You didn’t ruin anything. You played to the best of your ability and not many people were participating at the start. You did great and don’t downplay yourself just because the outcome didn’t come out the way you wanted to. You deserve praise for your hard work and continue to improve. Einstein didn’t figure out E=mc^2 his first time around in physics

For those folks who want to see our full Grimoire (with a breakdown of what happened which nights), just hop on over to this (hopefully view-only) link:


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Also we didn’t want the game to end D2


true reasons come out, and they are reasonable, ill take it

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Hail kill: I don’t think either could work since I don’t think it would be hard to realize that you completely flipped your read on Uni instantly (alongside killing in that being completely unoptimal for anyone other than you trying to make a play)
Uni kill: Git PoE’d. Shurian conf town means that wazza can’t be scum

Yeah, we… kind of took any excuse to call a madness execution and keep the game going, because town losing to slank D2 was not gonna be fun for most people.


yeah it’s not. and now all that feeling is coming back to me
it’s indescribable how horrible i feel right now

but hopefully i’ll get over it. I have to. this forum community is the biggest thing that’s kept me far away enough from depression for the past year+

We lurked for like half a day, and didn’t say anything ANYWHERE on the forums.

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it was what i could to

i did not expect or want a barber switch

i can see why town losing D2 would suck
but dat and i put a lot of effort into that

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or no effort??

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I know
I just want to pad my ego by blaming other people for mistakes that I could have fixed because I’m experienced and don’t want to feel bad

i would infinitely prefer to lose d2 as town than d7
considering how much time that the latter wastes that the former could save