(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

to be fair Shurian did decide to give his ghost vote he just did it after Apprentice left

Tan and I talked about it and decided that under the circumstances we were going to refund him his vote because otherwise Good could just lose off of pure vote parity

N.1 don’t scrutinize yourself. You did great with what you had and you shouldn’t be beating yourself up. We aren’t perfect, and mistakes will be made. But the important factor is that we accept our mistakes and look to the future to improve and make sure said mistakes won’t be made again. So please don’t be sad. You deserve to be happy. Thank you for this game

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Bad N. No. Try to win. And to be frank, you very nearly had it, so it’s not as if this was an utter waste.

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and also after calling for Apprentice’s exile?? I’m sort of confused about what was happening there to be honest


i feel indescribably more awful than I know I would have if the game had ended day 2
because i lost, it kind of feels that all of the time i put into this game was a waste
maybe that feeling is being amplified by all the slanking and the fact that I was so cruel to a lot of people for a lot of the game

What you didn’t account for is that a boulder wasn’t enough to keep me down when I got help to lift the damn thing off

that gave me pause

Like N dont beat urself up. I dont think anyones too mad. We want everyone to be happy, thus speaking out about it, spreads awareness and keeps games in the future to be the same happiness. Like if we all take this as a lesson we will all be better people. I know I can be toxic af, and I have taken it out on people too many times. Thus this isn’t just a call for you or anyone in particular but a call for everyone to improve their emotional state and keep things friendly here

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this game was really close

i never had it.
I had the solution as one of the possibilities, but I chose to be lazy, reject that, and sheep geyde.

I want everyone to have one big takeaway from all of this; This game is not, nor is it meant to be, 100% mechanically solvable. Even trying to create optimal conditions, the closest you all got were two theories which both worked, and which really only differed in who you trusted on social reads. There is a certain level in which you have to roll with the chaos in order to make sense of it all.

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N fwiw i think you were leading town in the right direction

to think we actually would have won D2 if i maddened somebody other than N.1

N.1 I never once saw you being cruel. Were you overly cautious? Yea. But you never were cruel to me at least. I found your company to be fulfilling and great. You did extremely good this game, you got us to this point. And I think that the game ending D2 instead of d7 isn’t good. I honestly love this experience because it was prolonged to this level.

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uni neutral good


You’re very kind uni
And although maybe i wasn’t cruel to you, i was to others
that cruelty torpedoed town’s chances here arguably more than anything else

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i’d argue not having the beggar vote torpedoed towns chances the most

And N, I’ll admit that I was… displeased with your methods of taking charge of the game, but not because I didn’t approve of what you were trying to do, and not because I thought you were being particularly cruel to others. It was because I thought that the game wasn’t going to be fun for the others who were left in the dark because the information wasn’t being shared at all. That is not the case, as I can quite clearly tell.

And there have been a lot more things people spent time on and they didn’t get the result they wished for. That’s how progress is made 99% of the time. Trial and error, trial and error. Just remember to improve for the next time and make the next round memorable and filled with fun experiences to look back on. You did great N.1. Don’t beat up yourself for bad thoughts that don’t deserve an ounce of your attention.

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I fucking highkey made a fucking callout post in my fucking rolecard toward fucking n.1 because fucking I was fucking pissed