(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

you understand why i(/we apparently?) wont believe you until you say it tomorrow aswell, right?

yes, i kind of understand, but regardless, im a bit frustrated with your constant cynicism

its just that, i believe you are hinting to us that your mad, but if you are mad, you basically cannot say that, and have to actively spite it.
so im choosing to reserve judgement for a day.

i’m telling you im not mad, and I will continue to reflect this for the entire game
I know it appears that I’m somehow trying to clue that I’m mad, but this is an absurdly dumb coincidence that kind of frustrates me

its cliche yes, but that is literally what someone mad would say. i know you wont acknowledge you’re mad (whether you are or aren’t) but you can accept that the hypothetical that if you were mad my play would make sense.

i cannot believe that for d1 im afraid

like cmon man,idk why this is frustrating. im not pushing you, and due to the nature of the situation you literally cannot convince me, as anything you could say could either be a real savant claim or a mad person and theres no way for me to know either way.
other people theoretically could, but just theres nothing you can say that i couldnt think would come from a mad person.

I’m feeling mad tbh
Not the game condition. Irl.

my role doesn’t even work so it’s tough for me to find motivation to fight an exe tbh

The present vote count is as follows:

Two votes against Nuclear, not enough to execute.

One vote against Magnus, not enough to execute.

Three votes against EVO, not enough to execute.

Two votes against Arete, not enough to execute.

@Marshal, @DirectorHail, @Magnus, @Shurian, @Universal, @Italy and @Nuclear_Rehab have not yet placed any votes. Everyone else has voted on all outstanding nominations.

/Vote Nuclear
/Vote Arete (lol)
/Spare everyone else


I’m gonna reread game thread b4 casting any votes

/hands up EVO
/hands down others

Spare EVO.
Unless Nuke turns to be important.

evo claims artist who already used their ability

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Wait… what?

Just ask; is [x] or [y] evil.

Both EVO and Nuke have claimed. EVO claimed artist who already asked a question and Nuclear claimed dreamer.

Hmm I have a few slots I wish to revisit

/whisper :b:Italy

**/whisper nuclear_reha:b: **

oh. This is my fault.



/vote all