(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/vote Yes nuclear @Tangeld

this is what we call a yikers


/vote NO on all

:eyes: care to explain?

@Tangeld what results would you give to a dreamer who check a Traveler assuming that they are receiving correct information.

little reason to explain myself to scum

I’ve claimed and my role is useless

The Dreamer is pretty dang powerful. Even if it’s a Vortox game you learn for sure they are not 2 roles.

Knowing that STs can be known for being smug fucks, probably that traveler class twice since they can be both alignments

my role doesn’t work bud

Which is why I’m lynching you yes, least bad effects for town

But still. I’m not consensus evil so regardless on your personal reads on me it should be in your interest to respond

i carried a game as dreamer don’t be such a pessimist

Evo seems to be claiming the same thing as hes claiming artist who asked if he was the artist and got no

I mean if both you and EVO are good then EVO is getting even less info from now on then you are (i.e. none).

I could carry as dreamer too, if my role actually worked

Oh, in that case
/Vote no on nuclear, and vote Yes on evo @Tangeld

dreamer always works
i was in a vortox game and i carried
although i thought they were actually no dashii, but that’s unimportant

inb4 scum all votes Arete last second and we lose

It does?

It always gives results that can have significance, yes.
Their validity can still be messed with

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you aren’t guaranteed to be correct
but your ability will always go theough (unless you die a violent death at the hands of the demon)