(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

If I’m alive they can just choose not to give it to me. If I’m dead I lose my ability and gain my own dead vote that I can use whenever I like



thank you wazza very cool

how do you nominate btw.

you don’t
bishop is in town

oh then how were people nominated yesterday?-

Bishop’s ability causes the Storyteller to handle all nominations. At least one nominated player must be the opposite alignment of the Bishop

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while the bishop is alive, no one can nominate except for the storyteller.

So the Bishop makes the Storyteller nominate?


wait then who’s the nominator?

Storyteller or Bishop?


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We should all be claiming our actual role to EVO. They’re confirmed good.

I’m ready to kill Simon/n.1


you can’t lol
neither of us are nominated
you are a minion and you WILL die today.

This is going to age well

If you wanted, you could openwolf by nominating datbird for exile

May I ask why you’re so confident that Nuclear is a minion?