(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

either he or dat must be evil
at this point i trust dat a lot more

I guess I’m just asking your reasoning behind trusting Dat>Nuclear at this point. Nuclear reacted pretty well to what I said (although he’s pretty clearly not the demon regardless of anything).

Because my savant information indicates that one and exactly one of the two travelers is evil
And well i both scumread you and find Beggar to be hurtful to town no matter his alignment (unlike bishop)
So it’s a win win.

of course not, but the sooner we kill minions, the sooner they stop messing with us

all of the minions are very powerful in this variant

Why do you think there is a Cerenovus? The only people who claimed yesterday are you, EVO, Magnus, and Nuclear. EVO was clearly the Mutant, you’re claiming not to be mad (and if you were your info is made up), if Nuclear is mad he’s not evil, and Magnus hasn’t that they were mad yesterday. To be clear I’m not saying there isn’t a Cerenovus, just that there is no clear indication of one yet at all.

I feel like it’d be obvious…

Correct I also think a Cerenovus would be obvious. And if we’re going off of the Savant info, then that would mean DatBird and me are both good. Which is honestly a pretty good case for the execution of Nuclear. I’m just wondering why that wasn’t N.'s argument as opposed to one traveler is evil and I townread DatBird therefore Nuclear=bad.

i WoNdER wHy sAvAnT wOuLd kNoW CERenoVuS iS iN pLay

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If he’s mad about being the Savant then his second statement is made up and therefore shouldn’t be the basis for anything. Unless he’s Savant who’s mad about being Savant which would be wild.

If there was a doppelgänger, we would absolutely be informed soon into Day 1
Unless a pit hag has only targeted evils thus far, which is possible but not too likely, there isn’t a pit hag either because a good character changed by a pit hag would reveal to us right away
This makes me nearly certain that the minions in play are cerenovous and witch

obviously the cerenovous has made the same person mad both N1 and N2 thus far
It’s not me, and if that person revealed that they were mad, they would be executed instantly

Pit Hag has had one night of action so they easily could’ve transformed an evil or a good player who hasn’t come online yet. I do agree that Witch is pretty certain. My only issue with the Cerenovus is that the only person who has shown any indication of being mad is you. Which I think is pretty likely, but it would mean you had to make up your info (obviously you have to pretend like it’s real if this is the case).

/whisper @EVO

I have to leave for like an hour so I’ll let you know when I can whisper back.

oh, silly me. Pit hag doesn’t act night 1.

We have 3 1/2 hours to execute someone or we might lose instantly to Vortox

I’ve never lost to a vortox by no lynching, and I don’t intend to start now.
Around half of this game really, really needs to stop slanking.

I’m p sure noms just close in 3 and 1/2 hours

And I’m waiting 4 smthn

Yeah we have at least 24 hours for nominations

The nomination phase closes in that time, N, which only means that additional nominations cannot be made. After the nomination phase closes, there is an additional period of 24 hours in which votes may be finalized.