(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

yes whisper is automatically broken the next time you post in main thread


Idk bored

u first

No cause I’m on mobile and they are annoying to make. :frowning:

datbird you literally just need to type **/whisper Simon** and i’d do the rest

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/whisper Simon

now was that so hard?

I’ll do it agaiiiin

/whisper everybody


/reject again

Hello there Mr Blue looking city pfp that I’m not sure who u r til u post

Hello! I’m going to go ahead and just out as Beggar. I think there’s a decent chance that N. is mad about being the Savant based on the way he acted.

In response to Marshal’s question I haven’t played on this forum really at all before, but I learned from a recent game that playing quieter than I usually do when good can have a lot of value at times.

What do u mean quieter. Like not spouting your role out or like just not speaking as much in general


well we know for sure that its fake as he is simply incorrect on how the role works i believe

whether hes minion fake claiming or mad is something we’ve yet to learn.

im leaning toward mad though

Not speaking as much in general. I was able to fish out getting attacked as the Soldier (night immune to demon in a different set) by being cagey with my “info” and it gave us the win.

Like I wouldnt say not speak but feel free to be cagey on info. Not speaking in general hurts town more than scum

I think being cagey on info to everyone but daddy is a good idea