(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Yeah I definitely agree I just tend to dominate my playgroup a lot and backing off a bit worked out very nicely.

Also I’m a Traveler so there’s no ambiguity on my role this game anyway.

See my approach this game and FM is to dominate more

Manual Like.

Since I’m trusting my reads more

And using logix(lotsa what this game is abt) to back up reads objectively is best

Such as identifying Emilia as the convert successfully in fol26

Mostly logic to credit for that one

Another thing I did was that image I made In lul logs last game

Just laying it all out and going step by step helps

Partly why I want whisper meta anyways

Cuz laying out info and working through it is prolly how we win

And I trust myself enough to take the lead on thid

I don’t. As in, trust myself. To do anything this game.
I’m still struggling to understand how to hunt down the wolves.

Just do it normally 4head

Feel free to ask me or main thread questions on last game or this game

Italy would prolly be the best or apprentice cuz they both play this a lot or anyone who played last game like me

Or you could ask Storyteller, who is literally here to answer all of your mechanical questions (yes, even the weird edge cases).

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Actually, you know what? This gives me an idea…

Kill demon. Minions are acceptable kills but good wins when there is no demon

:frowning: ree

I feel like BoTc is half just the storyteller having fun

They only have fun if you’re suffering

hey storyteller is there any way to fakeclaim a traveler or is it always announced

You can’t fake traveler
But travelers can be evil.

I’ve decided to add a new thing that you can do in your character DM (and nowhere else)!

By typing “!tip” in your character DM, @Arete or myself will provide you with a handy little tip for playing your current character. It may or may not be terribly relevant to what you’re doing at the time.

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