(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

because no sane evil would counterclaim savant so late

when in doubt, i assume madness here when we know with reasonable certainty a cerenovous is in play

just do me one favor.
in your role chat, type the following thing:
'@Tangeld, could someone be executed for something they post in whispers, and is neither discussed nor repeated elsewhere"

“so late”
bish its day 2

you’re very, very mad.
I wish you hadn’t taken that stupid risk, but regardless, you have, and now we must live with the consequences.

and theres been evidence of my suspicion of you since day 1

im good, but thanks
I refuse to whisper anyone
ST included

even if you dont believe me, just humor me

its not a whisper though.
its a permanently open chat with your ST

conversing with your ST has exactly 0 impact on your gamestate

i consider it a whisper
hence my refusal

i don’t care. To me, it counts as a whisper.

You lose, again.

even if whispers could get a mad person executed, talking to the ST about it doesnt
because no player is todl

who the fuck cares if its a whisper. it harms nobody, and can help us resolve this. to refuse is blatantly scummy

like i said before, it’s a matter of principle
it is absolutely not required to solve this

im trying to establish common knowledge between us. something, anything, we can agree on

you’ve already openclaimed insanity
it’s over, simon
stop tempting ST to kill you
thank you

not theoretically, no.
but practically, yes.
plus it makes this 500x easier

there’s nothing, so stop this and tunnel the actual scum, like nuclear.

talking to your ST wont kill me, we’ve been over this