(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

No one evil died “early on”.
Both the D1 and D2 lynches are mechanically confirmed good players.

It’s not possible for the Pit Hag’s action to fail.

Perhaps others will be able to explain this better than I have when they’re online. Everything has already been fully considered and analyzed.

(via whisper, over the past 4+ in-game days)

Yes it is, the fuck you on about?

“If the character you choose is already in play, this ability fails.”
It’s literally in the class thing for it, what do you mean?

sorry, i forgot about this. Apologies.

All good.

I’m surprised literally nobody pointed it out to you though.

Can you repost the whole class list btw?

It’s statistically incomprehensibly unlikely at the Pit Hag failed every single night.
If there was a Pit Hag, it mechanically must have been alive until at least Day 4. Meaning it must have had at least three nights to act. It’s not possible that they ever targeted a minion during that time since I was mad nights 2 and 3 and the cerenovous died day 4.
The chances that a pit hag’s actions all failed or were on the demon for 3-5 nights in a row are so improbable that they’re not worth considering.

No, I already knew this. I just had other reasoning for throwing out the possibility of a Pit Hag and misspoke there. Apologies.


Additionally, I think it was EVO.

You know, our VERY FIRST KILL.

both the day 1 and 2 executions are 100% mechanically confirmed to have been good players . . .

Mechanically, EVO must have been the good Mutant. Any other possibility is mechanically impossible.


let me try again to help you understand @Wazza
In this game, no one can be forcibly executed by the storyteller, instead of getting executed by plurality at EoD, except for the Mutant or the person who was targeted by the Cerenovous the previous night.

I was targeted by the Cerenovous night 1. Therefore, EVO must have been the Mutant.