(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

These final 4 are gonna suck :frowning:

Well this is obviously wrong from my perspective, because the only thing I wanted to show is that to no-lynch doesn’t damage your wincon. D1 no-lynch is always the optimal play without having mechanical leads, and since you can’t trust any mechanical leads in this game, you should play it like mountainous.

Now I have literally no idea what this game is

But losing 25% of games D1 is definitely not doing anything except harming your winrate, right?

Do I misunderstand a mechanic?

What do you prefer? A fast lose or a slow lose?

When I sign up for a game, I generally want to play it

Also I’m not convinced you’d lose significantly more than 50% of the games this thing is in

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Well, this actually gets into some slightly complicated theory questions about the differences between an odd and an even number of players, but at the very least in odd player counts, it’s nearly always optimal to lynch daily in S&V – if you no-lynch even once, you have fewer total lynches with which to catch the Demon, which means you have fewer chances to be wrong.

Also, since dead players can actively participate in discussion in BotC (they just can’t use their ability or nominate, and their voting is more limited), many of the normal drawbacks of lynching town no longer apply.

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Huh wow

In my personal experience Vortox is the easiest Demon to win against, since once you figure out that all your info is wrong you can just reverse it

Fast lose means tho that you can play another game in the same time, and actually have a better winchance in the next one

But your overall winrate is going to be significantly lower

Also if Votox is apparently the easiest to win against you’re literally throwing away your easiest wins?

the more I read, this game doesn’t sound that fun

Why does odd/even number of players matter at all? You can’t know how many people die each night anyways

It matters a lot for games with majority lynches

Because majority is a thing

Sorry… can you explain that?

In general you want to have an odd number of players voting, and preferably you don’t sacrifice any lynches if avoidable, although generally nolynching in MyLo is the best strat

Sorry… what was MyLo again?

Mislynch and Lose

ie when you lose the game 100% of the time if you mislynch today

Difference between MyLo and LyLo:

Mislynch: Game ends, scum wins
No Lynch: Game Continues

Mislynch: Game ends, scum wins
No Lynch: Game ends, scum wins


Neither MyLo nor LyLo exist in any way in ToL, since its a high power setup without parity, so pardon my confusion…