(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

It’s a flipless nightmare. And it has PMs.


Eh, screw it. I’m never going to learn this game if I never play it.

/in, spot 16

I rolled a d20.

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p sjre there are only 15 slots

But the OP goes up to 17.

I imagine it hasn’t been updated then. Just yeet me into a random available slot, I don’t care either way. I don’t know how to play this setup :joy:

oh does it

my b

ur right

@Arete @Tangeld Forgot to ping my /in, spot 16.

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I haven’t played mafia in a while, and school is getting busy, but felt like I could use a break from life so I will be playing a decent bit.

Don’t expect my past levels of activity

@Tangeld @Arete

You should meme force in all judges as judge

Actually… why not. I never wanted to play FM again, but this is just a misc, so w/e
/in on place 15



Crunches popcorn as a spectator.

oh wow hi vulgard, it’s been a while

/Out as Traveler
/In as Player, Slot 13

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also ppl, if ur the artist, just ask if ur the artist

The artist for what?

The artist is a townsfolk that, once per game, gets to privately ask the storyteller a yes or no question

It’s very powerful, but S&V is a gamemode where info can’t ever be trusted