(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

This sounds awfully familiar :thinking:

Helps if we have a location for you.

Looks awfully familiar to what now? Iā€™ll admit to not knowing where youā€™re taking this one.

look around :slight_smile:

7 please

Iā€™ve always wondered what happens when barista meets psychopath

Iā€™m gonna be the Deviant

You are saying this right infront of the walking reason that deviant shouldnā€™t exist, and two witnesses :eyes:


Well, I donā€™t know what happened :confused:

Bad things.

You tempt fate with these wordsā€¦

And Iā€™m breaking out the big letters so you know Iā€™m serious.

Oh right, I can use big letters in this thread.

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For those of you who are curious, Deviantā€™s actual ability is ā€œIf you were funny today, you cannot be exiled.ā€ Italy saw this and thought ā€œAwesome, I can spam the whole game with god-awful jokes for four days just to see what sticks!ā€ And then he ruined the game because Storyteller slipped the gamesolve to him thinking that no one would take him seriously.

So yeah, Deviant can go die in fire. Its ability basically writes the player a blank check to wreak havoc upon the game.

Iā€™m pretty sure deviant was already banned in a lot of places before I ever played as deviant.
Afterwards, it was probably banned in a lot more places.

Iā€™m tempted to be the Scapegoat because my availability is so unpredictable right now

Ask nicely and you might be able to get one of the Travelers to swap out, because we already hit the limit of two that I imposed.

Gunslingerā€™s ability is as follows: If someone votes hands up (to execute) the first nomination of the day, you can blow their head clean off at EoD.

Very fun class. Canā€™t wait to see how much paranoia I trigger.

Italy, can you say with confidence that youā€™ll be around for the entire game?