(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

I try to avoid leaving games unless I really, absolutely have to

Because if so, kindly play as a proper citizen. Save the Traveler slots for the people who actually need the Travelerā€™s ability to start late or leave early.

disappointed noises
/in as 11

Especially since I know both from seeing you play Traveler and from your own admittance that you just want to gunsling so that you can make everyone paranoid about your existence.

Well also because weā€™re not in the discord.
Travelers arenā€™t a complete policy lynch here.

You keep on like this and youā€™ll make it so.

it seems kind of obvious to me, psychopath just gets informed at night that they can publicly daykill twice now if they want

yeah but thereā€™s an unspoken piece
if someone tries to execute the psychopath, someone has to beat them at a game of rock paper scissors

I think itā€™s specifically the person who nominated them.


Specifically win, you fail if it ends in a draw as well, so you only have a 1/3 chance to kill them.

Which sparks the question
Does it make them easier to kill, or harder
Do you have to win two games, or do you play two games and only need to win one

thatā€™s stupid. In my descriptive document where I made some inferences and such I wrote it as you replay in case of a draw

maybe being targeted by barista would make it Bo3 instead of Bo1 (have to win twice). Idk

Hey, Italy. Whatā€™s the best claim for Psychopath to make?

The answer, of course, is Goblin.

Psychopath because you get revealed whenever you fucking stab somebody anyways

before theyā€™re modconfirmed, i like poppy grower, general, and astrologer

after, of course this

goblin could work if you want to not be executed

and want to save your ability for later