[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Why would I lynch a Minion as Evil Traveller especially since all the minions we got here are only useful when they’re alive.

Useful when alive? Explain

Scarlet Woman: Useless when dead.
Orangeandblack5: Useless when dead.
DatBird: Can be used when dead but it would just be something dumb that probs wouldnt’ be accepted.
Arete: Pressure from a dead scum to say something ain’t very good anyway.

Not useless because you exist.

In fact a lot of the Minions are more useful with a vote than they are with their abilities.


/exile Wazza @N.1 @Marshal

This slot hasn’t provided any reasoning as to why they are wolfreading me, dodging my arguments, and just overall sheeping. I know Wazza will not change his vote but I’m fine sacrificing my vote when I die (I think it 's certain) because I don’t want this slot controlling part of the votes.

So what’s your reply? @Wazza

You can’t exile me lmao

Nominations Closed. You’ve just made it definite I kill you here.


I can exile at any point of the day, read OP

Who would join you in exiling me, may I ask?

Don’t play these games with me. Your lack of cooperation and your refusal to actually engage me head-on made my death certain anyways

I suppose time will tell.

Most people here scumread you and you’re being lynched, so your goto thing is what…exile me?

What is exiling me going to go either way, just gets residents to lynch you instead? What’s your accomplishment with exiling me? What is your goal?

To get rid of an evil traveler

You constantly state that no one has made a point on why you’re scum but you say that I’m sheeping?

Those statements are contradicting, additional to the fact I’ve been scumreading you since the start of the day.

No, I constantly say that you haven’t made a point on why I’m scum.

Stop twisting my words it’s getting annoying

Besides, the reason why I’m not bothering to make points is because I’m watching WM.

Fine, I’ll repeat my fucking point on you because you’re clearly too fucking lazy to look correctly.

Funny because you are putting the effort to argue with me or otherwise refuse my claims on why I’m Town.

Finally we are getting somewhere